
エッセイ:Vol.117 ワイン原論 番外編:コルク私論





 なぜか? それには理由があるはずですが、それを解明した考察をあまり見かけないので、自分で考えるしかありません。






 時間とともに変容するワインの姿は、成長曲線で示すと説明力があります。げんにジャンシス・ロビンソンは、かつて示唆に富む著作『Vintage Time chart』(邦訳なし)で、世界の代表的なワインについて、異なる成長曲線を当てはめるという、大胆な考察を世に問いました。



参考文献:George M. Tabler “To Cork Or Not To Cork” (Scribner, 2007)

Ⅱ.“On Cork”―from “A Letter to a Vigneron”  by  Masaaki Tsukahara―

 Lately I wrote an essay on cork and send it to a vigneron abroad. I look very high of this special wine producer on account of whose exquisite quality level of wine and rare intelligence in person who is in careful consideration on closure of wine and especially on corks. This led me to reconsider the cork problem. I wrote my essay first in Japanese and translated it into English with the least revision in it. As a result, there is a slight difference of expression between my Japanese and English editions, but the main point is just the same. I hope this essay will be helpful to my friend who expected me to show my idea in English.
Note: My essay had been written before I noticed the “epoch-making” announcement of Amorim ND-Tech, so I did not refer on the product directly or indirectly.


“Cork Causes Evolution of Wine through Resonance between Lives”,
― A Modern Fairy Tale on the Magic of Cork―

Proper stopper for wine bottle is also indispensable to wine, especially to fine quality wine category which your wine belongs to. As we cannot easily find perfect cork or proper consideration on the effect of cork on wine for the moment, we have to try to consider both. In short, cork has the lives of wine in its power.

Firstly I would like to show my conclusion and, next, will explain it to you, if possible.

  1. Perfect cork, if any, is desirable to wine. We can easily guess that it is extremely difficult to find good cork, not to mention “perfect cork”, in current condition of cork production. Therefore, a good cork without a hint of TCA is rare to find and accordingly, the price of corks rises, despite of its possible defect of containing TCA. That is, in my opinion, not a minor offense, but a felony to provide bad corks to the producers of quality wine. Intelligent producers of quality wine might look as their destiny to try to find good cork at least. So, I understand your exertion to find one.
  2. Perfect cork does exist, but perfect “alternative” stopper does not exist. There are no exceptions to this rule. Why? We can assume or imagine the reason, but no one seems to know the real reason in fact.
  3. Structure of cork itself is an ideal condition and, so to speak, the natural environment to wine that leads wine to age. It is not easy to understand and explain this phenomenon, but I think you already know the fact, not the reason, through a series of our experiments in your presence.
  4. Conclusion: Alternative corks, though made only from genuine corks under conscientious effort, are bone dead because they have no original structure and organization, caused by a series of destruction/reconstruction and/or chemical treatment. Alternative corks may look like genuine corks without a hint of TCA, but you cannot expect the same effect of genuine cork to develop the flavors effect.

The most up-to-date chemical treatment, in my opinion, cannot eliminate entire hint of TCA. The latest chemical analysis cannot detect the substance because of its low threshold. On the contrary and empirically speaking, O-ring test has more keen detection ability than chemical analyzers and it often detects the slightest sign of cancer cell before it should be detected by the latest MRI or PET machine. That means only O-ring test can eliminate TCA affected corks effectively before using it, of course. We happened to practice the method in the wine world, so we would be pleased to assist an able producer, determined to make superb wine, in selecting good corks.

Findings and Hypothesis

1.Cork, To Live and Let Live.
Genuine corks, made of bark of Cork Oak, are constructed of systematically and densely layered cork cells. This special cell composition acts for wine as an air‐tight closure as well as a stimulator /catalyst that activates sensitive substance.
Robert Hooke discovered and named this material “cell”, in fact he saw a cell wall of dead cells. This dense composition of cells filled with air, works to wine not only as air cushioned and water repellent closure. I look another role of cork as an aging promotor for wine. We have to consider the reason.

2.Wine is living and has “a second, new life”.
Wine, a processed food, lost its life because the pressing of grapes destroyed its cell composition. In this sense, wine is not alive. In closer observation of wine, the cells from grape are not digested as food and source of energy for germs, but it has transformed into wine through noble catalyst activity of enzyme in the yeast. Greedy yeast ate up almost all the sugar content to live for self-reproduction.
This fermentation process, from our point of view, should be called not as a digestion, but metamorphose. Enzyme is responsible in the making of wine. Life of grapes is kept in the form of wine. Wine has a second life.
New life of wine is shown by another instance. In favorable conditions, wine is kept drinkable for several years or decades. Good wine can develop with better taste and age beautifully. This character is unique to wine and is not recognized among other food and materials.
A developing figure as time passes by could be persuasively described in a growth curve. Actually, Jancis Robinson tried in her suggestive provocative book “Vintage Time Charts” to describe the developing state of representative type of wine in shapes of different growth curves. Growth curve, peculiar to living matters and phenomena, means wine is near alive. According to this observation, we could regard wine as a second, new life.

3.Resonance, relationships between cork and wine, causes evolution of proper aging of wine.
If we could safely assume a second life of wine, cork could be called time-curved because cork cells are traces of their passed time. This means wine and cork have the common characteristics of life time.
Wine is garnished with a pseudo new life. Cork was once a part of living plant. They have in common a relationship/memory of living matters: resonance between lives. As a result of this relationship/resonance, a new phenomenon could take place. Wine in a bottle can evolve gradually and favorably by itself through assistance of cork. This phenomenon is called aging, particular to good wine.
On the contrary, other closures like glass stoppers and metal crown caps have nothing to do with life. Therefore they cannot cause evolution of wine in a bottle. But, these stoppers can keep wine germ-free, but leads wine into deadly sleep. These wine, attached with hygienic state keepers, maintain the original state of wine in a bottle, but they do not age in despite of its passed time. Wine takes a long nap and keeps its figure as if a sleeping beauty.
Cork with a magic hand, can awake a sleeping beauty like a prince. As soon as the cork is inserted to a bottle, a faint, unconscious wine could be restored to life and start aging.

Reference book: George M. Tabler “To Cork Or Not To Cork” (Scribner, 2007)